Supporter Stories

Including the Foundation in your will or trust provides an opportunity to give a larger gift than you may be able to give out of your current assets. By leaving a gift to the Foundation, you can help fight blindness now and for many years to come.

By leaving a lasting gift, you’re helping the Foundation while retaining the full use of your assets to provide for today’s needs.

Portrait of Anne Vannice

Anne Vannice

“I decided to include the Foundation in my estate plans,” Anne explained, “so that if the time ever comes when my grandchildren, or anyone else’s, experience vision loss, the scientists will have figured out how to help them.”

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Portrait of Marie O’Leary

Marie O’Leary

“If someone like me, a woman with retinitis pigmentosa and a part-time job, can leave a legacy gift, you can too! And trust me, it feels really, really good to know that part of your life’s work will contribute to something meaningful for future generations.”

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If you have any questions, please contact Carlene Cooke or John Corneille at (877) 254- 6308. Thank you for your support.